Updates —> Security and efficiency

Today we bring you a couple important updates. We hope these help you to get the most out of this very simple but powerful CRM. As well, we are approaching a milestone with the number of records in the system. That went a lot quicker than anticipated!

    • Security, 2FA
    • 1 Note, multiple contacts
    • Sort
    • Max number of filter on Dashboard
    • Fixed some bugs and minor issues



    We enabled 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) to provide an extra layer of security. This is an extra measure to make sure your account data is safe.


    How does it work?


    After you login, you see a new page, asking for a login code. See on the right –>


    So first you need to remember something (your email and the password), the second factor is the email authentication, hence the name. Combining two aspects to login, means your account becomes a lot more secure.

    Email Verification Code

    1 note,

    many contacts


    Often requested, now possible. You can connect multiple contacts to one note.

    Imagine you have a meeting for four participants, you can now make a meeting report and connect this to all 4 participants in the meeting. This means you can find it back when you look at either of these four contacts.

    Edit Note


    Starting a company takes time. Bringing in clients, who use your system isn’t happening overnight. So we are thrilled to count over 7.500 records in Qraia! 


    About half of these are notes. Contacts, companies, tasks and tags make up the other half. 


    Up to the next 7.500 records, and more. The system is ready for it 🙂
